



More (digital) floor traffic for Mahe

Mahe Industries has over half a century of experience in renovating façades and all kinds of floors, including hardwood and natural stone. The company has a total of three separate websites; one for each business division. Determined to give their online marketing a good polish, Mahe contacted Onlyhumans about two years ago. We of course were happy to oblige – and more than willing to put in some extra effort as well. Learn more about our in-depth approach!

A shiny new start

When they first came to us, Mahe had already been running AdWords campaigns for their website,, for quite some time. Yay for us, because it meant we were off to a great start with clearly defined objectives and KPIs. The test phase turned out a hit, and convinced Mahe to trust us with even more tasks as their conversion rate started to soar.

Conversions galore

Our eyes peeled for opportunities, we adopted a proactive approach in various domains. We launched AdWords and Facebook campaigns, specifically aimed at increasing traffic, awareness and lead generation. We continually optimized campaigns and considerably improved performance in terms of CTR, CPC and conversions.

Thanks to our optimization efforts, Mahe’s lead generation is now more successful, not to mention much more profitable.

Not only does Mahe attract more traffic both to their showrooms and digital channels, they can also pride themselves on a glorious conversion ratio.

In-depth content marketing

Whereas we initially focused on SEA – with whopping results – Mahe in the next stage of the project asked us to expand our focus to content marketing and Facebook campaigns as well. First, we analyzed the target audience’s interests and needs through keyword research, and immersed ourselves in Mahe’s top expertise, i.e. natural stone renovation. We then compiled a content calendar which we still use today to write fascinating and practical blog articles.

Short copy to long reads

Through dedicated content, we put Mahe’s extensive experience and expertise in floor renovation in the spotlight. To this day, we spice up Mahe’s marketing campaigns with inspiring Facebook posts, ‘regular’ blog articles and long reads in which we discuss floor-related topics more in depth and provide readers with practical information and loads of tips. What the future holds? We’re all set to give Mahe’s façade renovation activities just as big an online push!

In a short period of time, monthly conversions rose from 10 to 100 leads. That’s a 900% increase!