Search Engine Ads (SEA) put the right message in the right place

Let’s say you have a question – it doesn’t matter what it is. For example, you want to know what SEA stands for. All you have to do is ask Google. You simply type in some keywords and the answer appears. It’s SEO magic! But what’s that thing you can’t help but notice right above the number one organic search result? Yup, that’s an ad. And a great one at that, because its position alone guarantees its message stands out from all other search results.

Spotted instantly thanks to SEA

Thanks to SEA (Search Engine Advertising), your ads appear prominently above, below or right next to Google’s organic search results. You select the search terms yourself and only pay if someone clicks your ad and lands on your website. It is a fast and efficient method to attract more visitors (including new customers) to your website.
Fast results are beyond doubt the biggest advantage of pay-per-click ads. And when a campaign doesn’t perform as well as you had planned, you have all the reports you need to see what went wrong and make adjustments accordingly in real-time.

Super-targeted ads

SEA is all about super-targeted ad campaigns. Once launched, the ads make sure you reach your potential customers at the exact moment they’re in the market for one of the services or products you offer. Online advertising campaigns, in other words, allow you to be extremely goal-oriented with your ads. When used correctly, your online ads will reach your potential customers no matter your objectives. You can use SEA to:

  • Minimize the cost per conversion
  • Increase visibility in display campaigns
  • Attract relevant traffic. Lots of relevant traffic.
  • Retarget audiences
  • Set up Google Shopping campaigns


Your ad copy must be catchy. That’s a given. But it also has to meet specific requirements if you’re after a high click-through ratio and ditto ROI. ReFr@iN FROM T-H-I-S TYPE OF $tuff!!!, and instead write copy that is sincere and to the point. Don’t know where to start? You don’t have to! Our experienced SEA copywriters know all the tricks of the trade.

Let’s take care of your Google Ads project!

  • SEA audit

    We take a closer look at your current campaigns and determine what needs improving.

  • Intent mapping and competitive analysis

    By analyzing large numbers of keywords, we gain all the insights necessary for you to make the right decision – what to invest or not to invest?

  • Action plan

    We create a detailed yet comprehensible action plan including the results we aim to achieve, enabling you to see in the blink of an eye what our operations are all about.

  • Campaign setup and monitoring

    Your SEA campaign will be based on three cornerstones: structure, bidding and human copy. Sounds like gibberish to you? No worries. We’ll have everything translated to your preferred language as well.

  • Evaluation and optimization

    We do more than keep a close eye on your campaigns. Once launched, we continue to coordinate and optimize them for the entire ride. You’re welcome.

Some stuff that may interest you

  • We’re a Google Certified Partner
  • We’ve got more than 16 years of experience in setting up, monitoring and optimizing AdWords campaigns
  • Our team comprises 50 digital experts, based in Antwerp and Ghent
  • Our human ‘ad copy’ is written by creative natives (Dutch/French)
  • Our Project Managers run a tight ship, retrieving data and obtaining results, and providing you with useful insights
  • We manage 20k worth of AdWords budgets a day

We’re the driving force behind Google Ads campaigns for the following happy customers: