Hip and cool yesterday, dull and boring today? Time for a rebranding!

Bell bottoms, mullets, new beat, … What’s hip and trendy one day can become hopelessly outdated the next. This applies not only to clothing, hairstyles and music genres, but also to your brand. Has your brand been around for a while and do you feel it lags behind in terms of strategy, design or communication? Or is a merger, unfortunate event or economic crisis threatening your brand’s ability to meet its targets? If so, a rebranding is just the thing you need.

How to keep your brand relevant?

The world is changing at lightning speed. Consumer behavior, social media, fashion styles, design choices, … Everything evolves, as does the consual factors tmer’s perception of your brand. A strong brand goes with the flow, doing what’s necessary to remain relevant. It keeps its finger on the pulse of its target audience, offers solutions to today’s problems and makes sure its appearance and tone of voice remain up to date. Keeping an overview of all contextuhat influence your brand (media platforms, industry trends, your competitor’s plans, …) is, then, crucial – as is questioning your brand, being open to feedback and making timely adjustments accordingly.

When is a rebranding called for?

There are numerous reasons for companies to opt for a rebranding, other than a dated look. Perhaps your brand wants to expand into a new market? Or maybe it has developed international ambitions or is facing a takeover? What’s more, a change in management alone suffices to alter a brand’s strategy, vision and core values. Finally, rebranding is in many cases the best solution to undo reputational damage, helping companies to regain a positive brand perception.

Look beyond redesigning your logo

The way your brand presents itself should seamlessly match the values it wants to convey – that’s a given. However, if your brand has been around for a while, establishing a connection with a new generation of customers is no easy feat. The perfect excuse for a make-over!

All you need is a restyled logo and your brand’s good to stick around for years to come, right? Not necessarily. Rebranding usually takes more than some freshening up. So be brave and be bold. Dare to rebuild your brand from the ground up. A new name, a new visual identity or even a completely redesigned brand strategy may the ticket to (rebranding) success.

Rebranding in 3 domains

  • Visual communications

All graphic and visual elements that form the face of your brand and make it recognisable: your logo, graphic style, colour palette, font, web design, templates, photography, packaging design, corporate apparel, …

  • Language and content

All written and spoken messages and content that you communicate to the consumer: your baseline, slogan, tone of voice, mission, vision, corporate story, web copy, blog content, …

  • Actions

Putting into practice what your brand stands for: your customer service, events, showroom concept, sales process, … It all needs to be on point.

Our Brand Key workshops make your rebranding a success

Following an intake session, we organise two Brand Key workshops to explore together what your brand stands for, what you hope to achieve with your rebranding and what’s the best way to go about it. We draw up a complete trajectory and define concrete action points, ultimately pouring everything into a rebranding plan that will serve as a blueprint.

Leave your Brand Key to us

  • Brand Intake

    First, we organise an intake session to fully immerse ourselves in your brand. We analyse your brand positioning, have a close look at the competition, the market and all contextual factors, and get to know your target audience. In addition, we look up studies and surveys related to your brand to collect interesting figures and results.

  • Workshop 1: Brand Research

    We distill insights from all info and data we collected in the previous step to work out rebranding concepts and storylines, which we then evaluate together with you.

  • Workshop 2: Brand Design

    Next, we dig deeper into brand positioning, further develop the rebranding plan and map out rebranding concepts.

  • Final rebranding plan

    A final rebranding plan then brings all elements together, accompanied by a timeline and budget allocation.

Rebranding is for everyone

Rebranding is not only useful for brands that have been around for a while. It can also be a smart move for new brands that require some adjustment after a first test phase, for ‘old’ products that are set to be re-launched and even for products that are still under development.