Creation & production

To create a delicious and, above all, memorable brand story, Onlyhumans turns to story building. That is, we craft your campaign(s) from the first letter to the very last note, applying different content formats (blogs, ads, videos, radio spots, etc.) that work harmoniously together. Eat your heart out, Beethoven!


A great picture says more than a thousand words, but combine the two and you get an in-depth campaign with more layers than even Hemingway himself (R.I.P) could imagine. Which isn’t to say your target audience will have trouble understanding your message, because our copywriters and designers know like no other how to join forces and achieve the most impressive results.

Machtige micro influencers


Do you like your campaigns extra dynamic, and perhaps even a bit glamorous? Just leave it to our video experts. They will pull out all the stops to make your story splash off the screen, whether it’s a simple tutorial or a blockbuster. Visual storytelling is what they call it. Do you prefer to sell your story with an old skool yet catchy radio commercial? Sounds like music to our ears!